Monday, October 17, 2011

Manic Monday

Newsflash!!  Alot of my students were absent today due to a funeral in Eek.  What's that like?  well it goes something like this:  "If you were here last week and your group is here today, find them and move your desks together."  "Kristen, my group is missing!" "If you were absent last week, or ALL members of your group are missing, then come to the front of the room."  "But Kristen! My group is ALL gone! What do I do?"  "If your group is missing, come to the front of the room" "But my group is missing!" ugh!!!!

I would love to tell you that today was a great day, it wasn't bad, in fact it was a good day.  However, it was not a great day.  Those are few and far between.  I did look at my gradebook, again.  Though I have to say, Heather Diamond, I am jealous of you that you had an animal related delay.  Where else could you have a delay because of brown bear sightings?!?!?!  ok probably other places, but seriously, a delay until it's where else could get away with having things that vague. 

Totally have the student council involved in my baby project!!  If the kids leave their babies unattended, they will get "snatched" and they will be brought up on charges by the student council.  The student council teacher sponsor is going to be our judge while the student council is our jury.  They will have guidelines to follow and will actually affect the grades of my PLS students.  This project is going to be so much fun!  :)  Students and Teachers are all excited for this to happen :).

Oh and classical music in the mornings is making a comeback!  Student cries to turn it of to be ignored! :) hehe I am an awful teacher :).  But seriously, I do add some other music in too. 

Oh I know what was bugging me and made me write this.  To set the record straight (family) I am not looking for a job back home!  I do not know who is telling everyone that I have applied for jobs and that I am looking for a job at Christmas, but I am not.  The last time I put an application in to a business back in Illinois was before I moved to Alaska.  So no, I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A JOB BACK IN ILLINOIS/INDIANA!  I know that the person saying this might just hope I get back home, but it is not good to go around telling lies and quite frankly it is annoying having to tell everyone that calls me because they are concerned I am giving up to soon that no it's not me.  K thanks.

And with that note maybe I should sign off before I get to angry about the situation.

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