Monday, May 21, 2012

End of this 1st School Year/Beginning summer adventure

    Well, The close of my 1st year teacher came on May 17, 2012.  The last week of teaching was capped off with an indor picnic (was suppose to be at the beach, but there was just too much snow still and it was also raining), Wacky Olympics and an awesome teacher work day :).  It was bitter sweet because there were three teachers and an assistant site administrator that will not be returning to us next year.  The couple that is retiring (Marsha and Dennis Seaton) really helped me through this school year.  I am pretty sure I wouldn't of made it without my classroom neighbor Marsha or the down to earth Dennis.  Allison Kirchoff is also leaving us (she's moving to Homer), she will be greatly missed.  News of Allison was also bitter sweet.  Bitter because it was nice to get to know her and it was nice to have someone next door I could talk to if need be.  Sweet because I get to move into the house she is leaving.  Speaking of which, I GET MY OWN HOUSE NEXT YEAR!  I'm really excited about this because that means there will be more personal space :).  Not that I don't like Felicia or Kona, but the house on stilts is a little cramped with two grown women and an Alaskan huskie puppy.
    Now, I know It has been a REALLY long time since I wrote and I have many a story from the almost boyfriend to the verteran teaching status, however it is so much to write in one blog that I think I will slowly let it seep in to my summer blogs.  so the above story about end of the year will be the first story :). 
    I kicked started my summer by getting Insanity.  I konw I know, I definetly do not look like someone who would be doing Insanity.  Not to mention, even my older brother Thomas doubted my ability of stick-to-it-ness.  But I will make this one different.  I mean I stuck to p90x until I went to Jamaica which was the goal anyways, so if I make the goal to stick to Insanity until I go back to Alaska, and then make another goal to do it again I should be good.  Or we will hope.  I mean If i start now (I say now because I did the fit test today) then that means I can be done before I go back to alaska in August (it's only a 60 day program).  I think if I went back to Quinhagak after completing Insanity, I might not be recognized, but I will take that chance :).  So today was fit test day.  I got through half of it.  Thats right I said half, then I had to quit because I really felt like my head was going to explode, and let me tell you I feel the burn in my abs and upper thighs.  But I also got the post workout high that I loved after p90x.  I wrote down on my card what I was capable of doing: 30 Switch Kicks, 20 Power Jacks, 62 Power Knees, and 16 Power jumps.  After the power jumps I had to give it up.  I will use this blog to keep you posted on my progress through Insanity.
Have a fantastic awesome magical day :) :)