Monday, October 17, 2011

Manic Monday

Newsflash!!  Alot of my students were absent today due to a funeral in Eek.  What's that like?  well it goes something like this:  "If you were here last week and your group is here today, find them and move your desks together."  "Kristen, my group is missing!" "If you were absent last week, or ALL members of your group are missing, then come to the front of the room."  "But Kristen! My group is ALL gone! What do I do?"  "If your group is missing, come to the front of the room" "But my group is missing!" ugh!!!!

I would love to tell you that today was a great day, it wasn't bad, in fact it was a good day.  However, it was not a great day.  Those are few and far between.  I did look at my gradebook, again.  Though I have to say, Heather Diamond, I am jealous of you that you had an animal related delay.  Where else could you have a delay because of brown bear sightings?!?!?!  ok probably other places, but seriously, a delay until it's where else could get away with having things that vague. 

Totally have the student council involved in my baby project!!  If the kids leave their babies unattended, they will get "snatched" and they will be brought up on charges by the student council.  The student council teacher sponsor is going to be our judge while the student council is our jury.  They will have guidelines to follow and will actually affect the grades of my PLS students.  This project is going to be so much fun!  :)  Students and Teachers are all excited for this to happen :).

Oh and classical music in the mornings is making a comeback!  Student cries to turn it of to be ignored! :) hehe I am an awful teacher :).  But seriously, I do add some other music in too. 

Oh I know what was bugging me and made me write this.  To set the record straight (family) I am not looking for a job back home!  I do not know who is telling everyone that I have applied for jobs and that I am looking for a job at Christmas, but I am not.  The last time I put an application in to a business back in Illinois was before I moved to Alaska.  So no, I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A JOB BACK IN ILLINOIS/INDIANA!  I know that the person saying this might just hope I get back home, but it is not good to go around telling lies and quite frankly it is annoying having to tell everyone that calls me because they are concerned I am giving up to soon that no it's not me.  K thanks.

And with that note maybe I should sign off before I get to angry about the situation.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Of Mice and Babies

I thought I would write this because well let's be honest I have a lot to say, again.

First the babies.  I broke the news to the class today bout the babies by writing on the smart board that they are ALL pregnant.  Yes even the guys.  That definitely shocked some students.  and who knew it was the talk of having to take a baby home that would get the class interested in actually paying attention?!  So a little information, the baby is American Indian because obviously we live in Alaska and the students are native.  The question I get from the students (almost every single one of them at a seperate time), "Why is the baby black?"  Apparently the baby is more dark than anything. 

Anyways, I could go forever on that class but, I have to get to the mice part of this post.  I was watching the Gilmore Girls dvd and kinda paying attention to my computer at the same time when I noticed a movement from the corner of my eye.  I looked over at the trash can and had thoroughly convinced myself it was just the piece of paper on the floor (totally not realizing that the paper shouldn't move on it's own) when out of no where there was a mouse!!!!  I just start screaming ew ew ew ew ew ew!! and of course felicia seemed concerned, though still totally sitting in our recliner only looking concerned or should I say confused?  Well anyways, the hilarious part is that she thought I would protect her from the mouse by standing in front of her as we lightly, slowly and carefully made our way into the kitchen for her empty coffee can to trap the mouse in.  Of course the mouse had already vanished behind the cabinets by that time.  Rats, I guess it will have to wait until next time.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Salmon Run and Bethel


So I totally ran/walked but I think it was about even and let's be honest I havn't actually ran in how long?  Yea we wont talk about it and then to top it off I've NEVER ran a 5k.  I ran with a couple of my students.  They were perty good motivators and good sports too.  One of them ran ahead of us and took off, but the other one stuck with me till the end (then sprinted to beat me!).  Of course when I made it to the water station, I could hardly talk so when they asked if I wanted water I gave a thumbs up and when they asked if I wanted two i shook my head no.  Oh and let's not even mention how red my face was!  I'm sure I scared some villagers.  The kids just liked to laugh about it. You can bet I was sore the next day though!  Just had to keep my legs moving or they would hurt.

After the Salmon Run I had to go to Bethel for the Saturday training for Reality Works.   We had to go through a demonstration of the babies so that we knew what we were asking our kids to do.  At first we knew what it was we were going to have to do (i.e. feed, burb, rock and diaper).  However, right before lunch we had to guess which one of the four it was we needed to do.  Some of the other teachers had a difficult time cuz there were 9 babies crying at once and it was hard to tell if your was the one still crying or if your's was making the sounds it needed to to tell you had found the right activity to make your baby happy.  Especially when the cry's are so loud but the sounds so soft.  Anyways, I figured all four out in good time.

Our Satellite equipment came in 3 boxes, two of which came in with the plane that was sent to pick the wrestlers up.  However the last box was too big to fit on the plane.  I tried to check it on Saturday when I was headed back to Quinhagak, but again it was too big for the kind of plane they sent (they like to send the 207's).  They said if they took it out of the box it would fit, but there would be a chance that it would get damaged.  We just payed like 600 bucks for this thing, there was no way we wanted a damaged satellite.  So it still sits in Bethel until we can figure out how to get it to Quinhagak.  In other words, we are so close to having satellite, but so far away at the same time.

Oh and one last thing before I shut up and go away.  We had a bonfire down at the beach Saturday night.  That was interesting because it was already starting to get dark as we went down and then the tide was starting to come in  (but didn't come in all the way).  Steph and Jim, Allison and Joe and Felicia and I were down at the beach for hours.  It was kinda cold, but It was good to hang out with everyone :).  It's like we are one big happy family.  Though I have to say that the bratwurst they were trying to cook did not go very well at first.

Pictures still on the way...I have a few more but I'm too lazy today to post them.  I'll work on finding my camera chord later and maybe the next post will just be pictures and no explanations.  You'll have to figure out what the pictures go to :).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well Well Well, Funny seeing you here :).  Ok, so yea I can't see you, but you know you were thinking how did she know I was reading this! 

The title gives away what I'm going to write about.  Last weekend I was in Bethel for New Teacher Training.  We all know how that went, good but obviously not what it could have been.  This weekend I go into Bethel for the Reality Works Training.  I am so going to be bored!!!  I keep trying to talk people into flying in to Bethel because lets face it I'll have an actual hotel room instead of staying in the DO, but it's been a no go.  People like their weekends.  I mean really, what could be more fun then hanging out with me in Bethel until I have to go to training and then hanging out with me some more till I leave?  Nothing, that's what. 

Anywho, that's not the last of my travel this month.  Towards the end of the month I get to travel for the speech team, yet again.  That should be interesting 2 and half days in Bethel with 3 junior high students.  Actually, it may be getting hectic, but I love it!  Keeps me on my toes and keeps me from obsessing over things that are out of my control. 

OH and I suppose I broke my rule yet again.  Third post this week!!!!!Guess I had a lot to say this week :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Teacher Inservice

First off, what a week!  Actually, what a month!  It seems like it was just September first, then I blink and now it's October 2nd.  How did that happen?  Only 2 months and 23 days until Christmas, I'm not sure that I'm happy with that though because I have bought absolutely NO Christmas presents as of yet, or a plane ticket (sorry mom, I'm on it though!).

So, this weekend we had another new teacher training.  Yes that certain mysterious someone was there.  Yes I acted like a total nerd that I am.  Yes he totally acted like a nerd as well. In fact, the amazing Heather has nicknamed him Urkel and you guessed it, I'm Myra (I think that's how her name was spelled).  I need guts, I have none (let me clarify...I have not guts because i think he's amazingly cute and I just don't know what to say).  And for those that have mentioned that he might read this, I doubt it.  Only a few people know the link (unless someone has shared it with the other new teachers?).  Anyway, if it does get shared I wouldn't mind.  So back to the extreme awkwardness.  Here I am trying to teach my kids to be more confident when talking to each other, and I have no confidence to talk to one person.  Wow, thank goodness none of the kids saw that.  And to mom, it looks like you don't have to worry.  I am the same person as I was there.  That means I would totally mess it up before it started by being the dork that I am.

On another note, I did learn some new strategies to take back to the kiddies.  Well, if they will buy into them that is.  AND, i got to talk to the other awesomely fantastic new teachers :).  Oh, and I'm proud of my roommate, she totally got her Alaska License!

The mountains have snow on them, that means it wont be long before it snows here in the village.  I really hope those gloves I ordered from make it in the mail soon.  I promise pictures when it does snow :).  Until then.