Sunday, October 9, 2011

Salmon Run and Bethel


So I totally ran/walked but I think it was about even and let's be honest I havn't actually ran in how long?  Yea we wont talk about it and then to top it off I've NEVER ran a 5k.  I ran with a couple of my students.  They were perty good motivators and good sports too.  One of them ran ahead of us and took off, but the other one stuck with me till the end (then sprinted to beat me!).  Of course when I made it to the water station, I could hardly talk so when they asked if I wanted water I gave a thumbs up and when they asked if I wanted two i shook my head no.  Oh and let's not even mention how red my face was!  I'm sure I scared some villagers.  The kids just liked to laugh about it. You can bet I was sore the next day though!  Just had to keep my legs moving or they would hurt.

After the Salmon Run I had to go to Bethel for the Saturday training for Reality Works.   We had to go through a demonstration of the babies so that we knew what we were asking our kids to do.  At first we knew what it was we were going to have to do (i.e. feed, burb, rock and diaper).  However, right before lunch we had to guess which one of the four it was we needed to do.  Some of the other teachers had a difficult time cuz there were 9 babies crying at once and it was hard to tell if your was the one still crying or if your's was making the sounds it needed to to tell you had found the right activity to make your baby happy.  Especially when the cry's are so loud but the sounds so soft.  Anyways, I figured all four out in good time.

Our Satellite equipment came in 3 boxes, two of which came in with the plane that was sent to pick the wrestlers up.  However the last box was too big to fit on the plane.  I tried to check it on Saturday when I was headed back to Quinhagak, but again it was too big for the kind of plane they sent (they like to send the 207's).  They said if they took it out of the box it would fit, but there would be a chance that it would get damaged.  We just payed like 600 bucks for this thing, there was no way we wanted a damaged satellite.  So it still sits in Bethel until we can figure out how to get it to Quinhagak.  In other words, we are so close to having satellite, but so far away at the same time.

Oh and one last thing before I shut up and go away.  We had a bonfire down at the beach Saturday night.  That was interesting because it was already starting to get dark as we went down and then the tide was starting to come in  (but didn't come in all the way).  Steph and Jim, Allison and Joe and Felicia and I were down at the beach for hours.  It was kinda cold, but It was good to hang out with everyone :).  It's like we are one big happy family.  Though I have to say that the bratwurst they were trying to cook did not go very well at first.

Pictures still on the way...I have a few more but I'm too lazy today to post them.  I'll work on finding my camera chord later and maybe the next post will just be pictures and no explanations.  You'll have to figure out what the pictures go to :).

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