Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Speech's, costume contests and trick or treaters oh my!

Last week I took the Junior High Speech Team into Bethel for their speech competition.  We left on Tuesday morning (after the weather delay) and finally arrived at the D.O. around 1250.  It was a long day of travel, but it was not over yet!!  The girls I took had speech's that day at 2pm!!  They were troopers though and both made it into the second round of speech's for that night.  One even improved her score 40 points! :)  The other one made it to the third round and beyond!!  She got two third place wins for her speech's out of the whole district (16 schools total and 83 kids total in all categories)! I was so proud of both of them!!  The weird thing though, while they were giving their speech's I was so freaking nervous for them!  I'm not sure I could have been any more nervous than I was during the second round though, maybe that's because both my girls were the most nervous I've seen them.  Oh there was also a dance on Wednesday night (the night before we went back to Quin).  That was fun, I even had the girls do the friday morning dance to record on my phone and sadly forgot to show Eric.......I'll get right on that!  I mean it's not everyday that the friday morning dance makes it to Bethel.

It was also the carnival week.  On friday of last week we held the carnival to raise money for our classrooms.  I was in charge of blongo ball or ladder toss if you prefer to call it.  It was a jolly good time and I collected 305 tickets for my efforts :)  Got to meet alot of the community and spend time with students I don't normally see in a given day (I.E. the lower grades).  It was just a blast.  At any given time during the carnival, I had little kids coming up wanted to help out in my booth (and how could I say no?!).

The costume contest was the following Monday (yesterday), and believe you me, you have not seen a costume contest until you have come to Quinhagak AK!!!  Let me tell you though, the pumpkin contest (although has to be rigged) is a real serious competition!  My 8th graders decided to carve a puking pumpkin.  I thought it was hilarious.  I even had them use the juice jug as the toilet so people could see the puke.  It was definetly disgusting, but apparently not disgusting enough.  You just wait till next year though, it is so on!  :) :) :) I joke!!  It was all in good fun :).

Trick or Treating is a HUGE deal here too.  I mean at a quarter to 10 there was people knocking on the door for trick or treating!  We ignored that one as I had turned out our light around 9pm.  Thank goodness I had candy sent up from my family!!!  :).  Don't worry I got to eat some of it too.  Every time I would come back into the house after passing out candy, I would steal a piece.  No wonder I woke up with a headache this morning.

I had my first evaluation too.  Not so sure how that went.  Totally did not get done what I had hoped, and on top of that it was a last minute plan!!  I had the plan made this weekend, then I had to switch it to make it more of a co-teaching plan, well I didn't have to, but the other teacher had some great information I felt needed to be heard so I made it a co-teaching lesson.  Only problem was, I sacraficed some things I wanted to get done today.  Don't worry I mean I'll get to them tomorrow, I duno it just didn't feel like it went as well as it could have.  I mean after it was done I was left with this feeling of, well I just flunked that evaluation! ugh.  But I always feel like the lessons could go better.  I am definetly in the survival mode right now.  Living day to day lesson to lesson.  It does get better right?  Logically I know it does, but sometimes I just wonder.

OK well I think it's time for bed and I think it's probably time I stop rambling.  Just wanted to update everyone out there since I hadn't written in well has it even been a week??????

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