Friday, January 27, 2012

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

I realize it's been a couple weeks since I have updated my blog.  In the last blog, I stated that pictures would have to wait to be uploaded, so I will post them later today in a different post.  First I want to talk a little about what my classes have been up to these first 2 weeks of second semester.  

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ~ Jimi Hendrix

Oh no she didn't?!! yup I'm gona.  My government class will be hearing not only Jimi Hendrix quote, but quotes from Gandhi, JFK, Lord Acton, MLK Jr., Aung San Suu Kyi to name a few.  The reason we are going all quote like in government class is because the students are learning about power.  We played a chips game on thursday January 19, which involved handing out different colored pieces of paper and telling the students they had 2 minutes to make as many trades as they could or wanted.  Some students didn't want to trade because they weren't told the value of their colored chips and wanted to hold on to the many different colors they had.  Others, made guesses and tried their best to get a hold of that color.  Turns out that the most valuable color was the one no one thought would be, pink.  I think they enjoyed the game and moving around.  After one round, the person with the highest points made the rules, after the second round, this person made a new rule and other people were allowed to make alliances to try and overthrow the one in power.  This is where they really had their fun.  Two of our high points earners got overthrown.

The cold in Quinhagak isn't so unbearable at first.  Key word: at first.  When I go to school in the morning I ride the school bus, which saves me from having to walk the 10 minutes in the cold and gives me a false hope that the walk home after school wont be that bad.  My classroom is like a sauna because the high school side gets all the heat so that gives me false hope that the walk home after school wont be bad.  Then I start the walk home.  It isn't so unbearable until I get halfway home, which is about around the post office.  Then my face starts to freeze and I just feel like curling up in my electric blanket when I get home.  Not to mention the extra weight all my carharts add to me.  the bibs alone weight 6 pounds (seriously!).  I  know, your saying "but isn't that what you expected when you moved to Alaska?"  Yes and no.  I knew it would be cold yes, but when even the natives are complaining about the cold you kind of realize it hasn't been this cold in almost ever.  Not to mention when I do get home, my bedroom is the same temp as outside because the door has been shut and no heat gets to it.  So, I just make sure I plug in and turn on the electric blanket (only when supervised) so the bed can warm up for me.  oh and on that note, THANKS GRANDMA JACKSON FOR GETTING ME THE ELECTRIC BLANKET :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the quotes! I vote for Jimi Hendrix for President--who knew he could be so wise?!

    Sounds like you have a handle on your class. By the way, it's about 55 degrees outside, the glass is down on the screen window allowing a gentle breeze to flow across the dining room and the furnace hasn't kicked on all day! Miss you! Love, Mom
