Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New me

So I've been home for about 2 weeks on Christmas break, and it's been an o.k. couple weeks.  I'll be the first to admit, I didn't do half of what I had planned.  At least I got to spend a lot of time with the family though.  The trip started off iffy with a weather hold on our charter, and then when we finally got the green light, Tim J had to take a later flight because our pilot only had 7 seats and we had 8 people.  Then our flight from Anchorage was late (which worked to Tim's advantage).  The flight to Chicago was on-time though and actually got to Chi-town like an hour early!  Definitely could have done without the dude sitting next to me spilling his drink on my leg though.  And it wasn't even early on when it would have had time to dry, it was at the end!!!  At least I got to travel with Amy, that was an unexpected surprise.  It was good to see everyone at the Paris clinic too, specially since they all told me I lost weight! hahahahah (what it's good to hear once in a while and I did lose weight! bout 20 pounds since the last time I saw them!).  Oh, and to add to the break from Alaska, my GCI phone did not work at home.  I could get it to work when I was in Chi-town and Indiana, but not downstate Illinois.  Go figure.

With the beginning of a new year, comes a time to reinvent yourself.  At least that's what I'm telling myself.  This time of year is a time when most create new year's resolutions.  I'm going to steer clear of that because lets be honest, new years resolutions never get accomplished.  Well mine don't anyways.  So instead, I just plan on being me.  Yup that's right I'm just going to be me.  Look out world! How is this different from 2011 you ask?  Well I held myself back from doing things that I wanted to because I was too shy or to nervous or too scared, but not this year!  2012 is going to be an amazing, awesome, fun, scary, and adventurous year!!

Well 2 days left on this break/vacation and I'm itching to get back to AK.  Don't get me wrong, I love to spend time with my family, but I just feel like I need to get back.  I belong there.

Below are some pictures from vacation/break :)

I lied....picture to come in a later post........the internet here at the house wont let me upload fast enough.

On another note It's been a week since I've been back and I'm itching to get started on this weight loss challenge.  I am looking at the Insanity program by thinking it might be good to do.  I have done p90x before (before I went to Jamaica) and lost a ton of weight on that (which I obviously gained back), so I'm thinking beachbody has good products.  Insanity is much harder though so I'm not sure how that will work out and what not.  I will keep you all posted on my weight loss journey though, and I do promise pictures!!!!!!

:) until next time

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